It's finally time to unveil the 2011 Varga Bar Calendar featuring 12 months of sexy and iconic pinup photographs by your truly! I am so excited I can hardly wait!!!!!!
The release party is on Wednesday, December 8 at 9pm at the Varga Bar, 941 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. I would love for all of you to come out, have a drink, purchase a calendar and celebrate in style.
The 2011 calendars are modeled after the vintage Vargas calendars from the 1950's. They are printed on vintage styled paper complete with a pinup envelope to store your calendar as a collectable when the year is over! Calendars will be available for purchase starting that evening and they make perfect holiday presents for ladies and men alike who love the art of the classic pinup!
Tell your friends, tell your family... tell EVERYONE and I hope to see you all at the calendar release party!!!
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